FedEx Delayed and Missing Packages: Are Wreck Risks Higher?
You may have seen stories recently in the news about FedEx’s missing packages or delayed deliveries. Multiple complaints have been made, and FedEx recently issued an apology. In a statement, the logistics company said it is working on additional delivery resources. While that may help solve the issues of delayed packages, it could very well create another problem.
If FedEx uses third-party contractors to satisfy daily delivery schedules, the drivers may lack training. If these drivers cause an accident that injures you, assigning fault and liability can become complicated. Working with an experienced Dallas, TX attorney who focuses on last-mile delivery accident claims can give you the best chance to collect the compensation you deserve.
How Does Lack of Training Cause FedEx Delivery Accidents?
If you think making multiple deliveries in a short timeframe is an easy job, you are mistaken. These drivers are under significant stress and pressure to meet their deadlines, all while being responsible for delivering the right packages to the proper locations. Comprehensive training is a necessity, but FedEx and its contractors may skimp on the training to get more drivers on the road quicker. FedEx’s last-mile delivery training should include:
Familiarizing the driver with their vehicle’s features and the FedEx tracking requirements
Ensuring drivers understand traffic laws
Procedures for emergencies, including accidents and driving in hazardous conditions
Defensive driving techniques
How packages are loaded onto trucks to simplify locating them when the driver arrives at an address
Acceptable parking areas that do not create traffic hazards
If someone who has never driven a delivery van or box truck is asked to meet tight delivery schedules, accidents become much more likely. In addition, GPS directions are not always accurate, so drivers may have to scan for address numbers. That means they may not pay as much attention to traffic as they should. That problem is often exacerbated during the winter season when days are shorter and night falls before a driver’s shift ends.
Why Does It Matter if the Driver Who Hit Me Was a Contractor?
Although FedEx may be ultimately responsible for getting packages to their recipients, using contractors could shield the company from direct liability if a contracted driver causes an accident. You might attempt to file an insurance claim against FedEx only to be told the contracted company is liable.
A competent attorney can get results. We will handle the complexities of fault and liability while you recover from your injuries.
Consult a Skilled Dallas, TX FedEx Accident Lawyer
When you are injured in a FedEx accident, you do not need the added stress of trying to navigate a complex insurance claim. You deserve compensation, and Delivery Driver Accident Attorney, Operated by the Law Office of Jerry D. Andrews, P.C. will pursue the highest available amount. Contact us online or call 469-461-4870 to discuss your case with a dedicated Dallas, TX delivery driver accident attorney.